What is Logbook ? How to create project Report ?

What is a logbook?

Before we jump into the details of how to fill out log book, let’s take a moment to define what a logbook actually is. A logbook is a booklet/notebook, where students who undergo industrial training jot down their daily experiences and keep their progress. The logbook usually contains information about the students, their educational institution, the place where they undergo their training and their daily activities.

The filled logbook is required to complete the industrial training. Most of the institutions provide precise guidelines on how to fill a logbook. However, some do not, which is why some of you might find this whole logbook thing very confusing. But wait! We will tell you what your logbook should contain in details and show you an example of how to fill it.

How to fill out a logbook

A typical logbook contains different pages that require specific information. Let’s take a closer look at all of them. The first page you encounter when you open your logbook is the one that contains basic information about you and your training. You will need to write down the following information:

Your name; The name of your educational institution; Your course of study; Your year of course; The name of the company where you undergo your training; The name of your coordinator/supervisor; Your student registry number under your photo.

The next two pages concern the organisation where you undergo your training. One of them should contain the information on the name, location and size of the organisation. The other one should have a diagram/chart of the structure of the organisation. Next, you will find the attendance registry. This page is not to be completed by you. It has to be filled by your coordinator/supervisor. At the end of each week, you need to go up to them and ask them to fill it. At the bottom of the page, the coordinator/supervisor should write an overall comment about your training when it is over and leave their signature and official stamp. After that, there is the assessment sheet. It begins with the basic information about your training (your name, the period of your training, name of your department, and the company name). The rest of the page is filled with different criteria to evaluate your training. It is called Performance Rating and it is also filled by your coordinator/supervisor.

Now to the most important part: The weekly progress chart. This will be contained in the rest of your logbook. In it, you should write about your activities and experiences at industrial training every day. Each week has two pages. One contains a table where you are supposed to write about your daily routine, and the other is completely blank. You can draw diagrams, pictures and write comments that, in your opinion, do not belong on the previous page. To be fair, you do not need to be particularly precise about your daily goings-on. A simple recounting of the most important events should do. You can also do it at the end of the week, but it is best to write down the experiences while they are still fresh in your memory.

That is pretty much it for the logbook overview. As you can see, it is all fairly simple and straightforward. Disclaimer: Every institution/establishment has different log book requirements. We strongly recommend you to check with your supervisors whether our method of filling out the logbook will work or not. However, if you are 100% sure, go ahead and use the following example to fill your own logbook.

That is pretty much it for the logbook overview. As you can see, it is all fairly simple and straightforward. Disclaimer: Every institution/establishment has different log book requirements. We strongly recommend you to check with your supervisors whether our method of filling out the logbook will work or not. However, if you are 100% sure, go ahead and use the following example to fill your own logbook.


Title Page:- The title page gives the topic of the report. It can also classify the report if it is confidential. Besides giving the name of the author it gives, the name and designation of intended audience.


A project Report









In partial fulfilment of

Diploma in CSE (Course name)




Name of Institute


Year of Publication






This is to certify that the project report titled…………………….is a bonafide work carried out by

………………….. (Name of Candidate) of ……………………….(Name of course) of MANUU Polytechnic Darbhanga.



(Name of HOD)                                                                                   Guide


Date                                                                                                        (name of Guide)








The final year Project is a golden opportunities for learning and self  betterment. I consider myself lucky and feel honoured that so many people have benn helpful in the completion of this project.


                       I am extremely thankful to my HOD SH……………. , who in shite of being very busy with his dallies took out time to hear me and guide me a very humble thank you sir.


                        I am deeply indebted to my guide Mrs.  ……………………….whose patience I have probably tested to the limit. She was deeply involved in the whole process and encouraged me at every juncture. I can never express the thankfulness. I feel in my heart with words M’ am.


                      I owe my debt to my family, my mother and brother for their constant moral support and encouragement.




1.      Acknowledgement

2.      Abstract

3.      List of illustration

4.      List of tables

5.      Introduction

6.      Main text chapter1

7.      Main text chapter2

8.      Main text chapter3

9.      Conclusion

10.  Reference



Ø  https://www.w3schools.com/

Ø  https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/bootstrap-4-introduction/




Hi! My name is TAUSIF AHMAD I have completed B.Tech in Computer Science from Maulana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad. I am always ready to have new experiences meet new people and learn new things. 1. I am very interested in Frontend Development. 2. I love video editing and graphics designing. 3. I enjoy challenges that enables to grow. 4. I am part time Blogger.

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