What is Data Communication in computer networks


What is data communication?

Data communication is the process of exchanging data or information between two or more devices or systems over a communication channel or network. It involves the transmission, reception, and processing of data using various technologies and protocols.

In data communication, data is usually transmitted in the form of signals, which can be analog or digital. Analog signals are continuous waves that vary in amplitude, frequency, or phase, while digital signals are discrete, binary values (0 or 1) that represent data.

Data communication can occur over various types of communication channels, such as wired or wireless networks, satellite links, or optical fibers. The communication channel can also be classified based on its transmission medium, such as guided media (e.g., coaxial cable, twisted pair cable) or unguided media (e.g., radio waves, microwaves).

Data communication also involves the use of various protocols, such as TCP/IP, HTTP, SMTP, FTP, and others, which provide rules and standards for formatting, transmitting, and receiving data. These protocols ensure that data is transmitted accurately, efficiently, and securely across the network.

In summary, data communication is the process of exchanging data between devices or systems over a communication channel or network using various technologies and protocols.

v Components of a data communication system

A data communication system consists of several components that work together to transmit and receive data over a communication channel or network. Here are the key components of a data communication system:

Sender: The sender or transmitter is the device that initiates the data transmission. It converts the data into a suitable format and sends it over the communication channel.

Receiver: The receiver is the device that receives the data transmitted by the sender. It decodes the data and converts it into a usable format.

Communication channel: The communication channel is the medium through which the data is transmitted from the sender to the receiver. It can be a wired or wireless medium, and it can use guided or unguided transmission.

Modem: A modem is a device that converts digital data into analog signals that can be transmitted over a communication channel. It also converts analog signals received from the communication channel into digital data that can be processed by the receiver.

Protocols: Protocols provide a set of rules and standards for formatting, transmitting, and receiving data over a communication channel. They ensure that data is transmitted accurately, efficiently, and securely.

Network interface card (NIC): A NIC is a hardware component that connects a computer or other device to a network. It provides a physical connection between the device and the network, and it also handles the transmission and reception of data packets.

Repeaters, hubs, switches, and routers: These are networking devices that help to extend the range of a communication channel, manage network traffic, and direct data packets to their intended destinations.

What is duplex and its types?

The three duplex modes used in data communication are:

Simplex: In simplex mode, data can only be transmitted in one direction. In other words, communication can occur in only one direction, from the sender to the receiver. Examples of simplex mode communication include television broadcast and one-way radio communication.

Half-duplex: In half-duplex mode, data can be transmitted in both directions, but not simultaneously. In other words, communication can occur in both directions, but only one direction at a time. Examples of half-duplex mode communication include walkie-talkies and two-way radios.

Full-duplex: In full-duplex mode, data can be transmitted in both directions simultaneously. In other words, communication can occur in both directions at the same time. Examples of full-duplex mode communication include telephone conversations and video conferencing.

Each of these modes has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of mode depends on the specific requirements of the communication application. For example, simplex mode is useful for applications that require data to be transmitted in one direction only, while full-duplex mode is useful for applications that require real-time, two-way communication.

What is the difference between Analog and digital signal?

Analog and digital signals are two types of signals used in data communication, and they differ in the way they represent data. Here are the key differences between analog and digital signals:

Representation: Analog signals are continuous signals that vary in amplitude, frequency, or phase, whereas digital signals are discrete signals that represent data using binary values (0 or 1).

Transmission: Analog signals are more prone to noise and distortion during transmission, which can affect the accuracy of the data. Digital signals, on the other hand, are less prone to noise and distortion, and they can be transmitted accurately over long distances.

Processing: Analog signals require continuous processing and amplification to maintain their quality, whereas digital signals can be processed and transmitted without the need for continuous amplification. Digital signals can also be manipulated and processed more easily than analog signals.

Storage: Analog signals are difficult to store and reproduce accurately, whereas digital signals can be stored and reproduced without loss of quality.

Bandwidth: Analog signals require a larger bandwidth to transmit the same amount of data as digital signals. This is because analog signals transmit data in a continuous stream, whereas digital signals transmit data in discrete packets.

What is the difference in noisy and noiseless channel?

A noisy channel is a communication channel that introduces errors or distortions into the transmitted signal, while a noiseless channel is a communication channel that does not introduce any errors or distortions into the transmitted signal.

In a noisy channel, the received signal may differ from the transmitted signal due to various factors such as interference, attenuation, or distortion. As a result, the receiver may need to use error-correction techniques to detect and correct errors in the received signal. Examples of noisy channels include wireless networks, satellite links, and telephone lines.

In contrast, a noiseless channel allows for perfect transmission of data without any errors or distortions. However, in practice, it is difficult to achieve a completely noiseless channel. Examples of nearly noiseless channels include fiber-optic cables and some types of wired networks.

v Performance of a Network

The performance of a network can be measured in various ways depending on the application and the specific characteristics of the network. Here are some common metrics used to evaluate network performance:

Bandwidth: Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network connection in a given amount of time. A network with a higher bandwidth can transmit more data and hence has better performance.

Latency: Latency is the time it takes for a data packet to travel from one point in the network to another. Lower latency means faster communication and better network performance.

Packet loss: Packet loss occurs when data packets are dropped or lost during transmission. A network with low packet loss has better performance.

Jitter: Jitter is the variation in latency between packets. A network with low jitter has more consistent and reliable performance.

Throughput: Throughput is the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network in a given time period. A network with higher throughput can transmit more data and hence has better performance.

Reliability: Reliability refers to the ability of a network to maintain stable and consistent performance over time. A reliable network has fewer disruptions and outages, which can affect the overall performance.

What do you mean by digital and Analog transmission?

Digital and analog transmission are two different methods of transmitting data over a communication channel.

Analog transmission involves the continuous transmission of signals that vary in amplitude, frequency, or phase. In analog transmission, the original signal is converted into a continuous waveform that can be transmitted over the communication channel. Examples of analog transmission include traditional telephone lines and AM/FM radio broadcasts.

In contrast, digital transmission involves the transmission of discrete signals that represent data using binary values (0 or 1). In digital transmission, the original signal is converted into a series of binary digits (bits) that can be transmitted over the communication channel. Examples of digital transmission include computer networks, digital television, and satellite communication.

The choice between digital and analog transmission depends on various factors, such as the type of data being transmitted, the distance of the transmission, and the available communication technologies. Digital transmission is generally preferred over analog transmission because it is more accurate, less prone to noise and distortion, and can be transmitted over longer distances without loss of quality.

What are data encoding and modulation techniques?

·         Modulation is a modification of a frequency to carry data. In other word, we can say modulation is a process of converting digital signal into analog signal.

·         The process of converting analog signal back to digital signal is known as Demodulation. Thus the term Modem is used for modulation and demodulation.

·         Analog to digital conversion:

1.       PCM(Pulse Amplitude Modulation)

2.       DM(Delta Modulation)

What is broadband and baseband transmission?

Broadband and baseband transmission are two methods of transmitting data over a communication channel.

Baseband transmission uses the entire bandwidth of the communication channel to transmit a single digital signal. In other words, the digital signal is transmitted without any modulation or multiplexing. Baseband transmission is typically used in short-distance communication such as between a computer and a printer, or between a computer and a local network.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Baseband Transmission

There are various advantages and disadvantages of baseband transmission. Some advantages and disadvantages of baseband transmission are as follows:


It has a simple structure.

It is easy to install.

Its maintenance is simple and easy.

It has low-cost installation.


It may be only utilized for voice and data.

It has a short coverage and a limited range.

It works only on a limited distance.

Broadband transmission, on the other hand, uses multiple channels to transmit multiple signals simultaneously. In broadband transmission, the available bandwidth is divided into multiple channels, each of which can be used to transmit a different signal. Broadband transmission is typically used in long-distance communication such as cable television, broadband internet, and satellite communication.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Broadband Transmission

There are various advantages and disadvantages of broadband transmission. Some advantages and disadvantages of broadband transmission are as follows:


The main advantage of broadband transmission is its speed. It offers a fast speed for data transmission.

It has a large bandwidth provision for data transmission.

The data transmission may take place for a large distance.


It needs some extra hardware for data transmissions like Multiplexers and De-multiplexers.

The broadband transmission maintenance and cost are high.

The main difference between baseband and broadband transmission is that baseband transmission uses the entire bandwidth of the communication channel to transmit a single digital signal, while broadband transmission uses multiple channels to transmit multiple signals simultaneously.

What is Multiplexing?

Multiplexing is a technique used to combine and send the multiple data streams over a single medium. The process of combining the data streams is known as multiplexing and hardware used for multiplexing is known as a multiplexer.

Why Multiplexing?

The transmission medium is used to send the signal from sender to receiver. The medium can only have one signal at a time.

If there are multiple signals to share one medium, then the medium must be divided in such a way that each signal is given some portion of the available bandwidth. For example: If there are 10 signals and bandwidth of medium is100 units, then the 10 unit is shared by each signal.

When multiple signals share the common medium, there is a possibility of collision. Multiplexing concept is used to avoid such collision.

Transmission services are very expensive.

Advantages of Multiplexing:

More than one signal can be sent over a single medium.

The bandwidth of a medium can be utilized effectively.

Multiplexing Techniques

Multiplexing techniques can be classified as:

What is Transmission media?

Transmission media is a communication channel that carries the information from the sender to the receiver. Data is transmitted through the electromagnetic signals.

The main functionality of the transmission media is to carry the information in the form of bits through LAN(Local Area Network).

It is a physical path between transmitter and receiver in data communication.

The characteristics and quality of data transmission are determined by the characteristics of medium and signal.

Transmission media is of two types are wired media and wireless media. In wired media, medium characteristics are more important whereas, in wireless media, signal characteristics are more important.

Different transmission media have different properties such as bandwidth, delay, cost and ease of installation and maintenance.

Causes Of Transmission Impairment:

Classification Of Transmission Media:

What are Transmission Errors?

Transmission errors are errors that occur during the transmission of data over a communication channel. These errors can be caused by various factors such as noise, interference, attenuation, and distortion in the communication channel.

There are two main types of transmission errors: bit errors and burst errors.

Bit errors: Bit errors occur when a single bit in the transmitted data is corrupted or lost during transmission. Bit errors can occur due to noise, interference, or other factors that affect the accuracy of the signal.

Burst errors: Burst errors occur when multiple bits in the transmitted data are corrupted or lost during transmission. Burst errors can occur due to factors such as interference, attenuation, or distortion in the communication channel. Burst errors can be more difficult to correct than bit errors, as they can affect multiple bits in the transmitted data.

To detect and correct transmission errors, error detection and correction techniques are used. These techniques involve adding redundant information to the transmitted data, which can be used to detect and correct errors in the received data. Examples of error detection and correction techniques include checksums, cyclic redundancy checks (CRC), and forward error correction (FEC).

What are the error Handling mechanism?

Error handling mechanisms are used in data communication to detect and correct errors that occur during the transmission of data over a communication channel. Here are some commonly used error handling mechanisms:

Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ): ARQ is a protocol that is used to detect and correct errors in transmitted data. In ARQ, the receiver sends an acknowledgement (ACK) signal to the sender to confirm the successful receipt of the data. If the receiver detects an error in the received data, it sends a negative acknowledgement (NAK) signal to the sender, requesting the sender to retransmit the data.

Forward Error Correction (FEC): FEC is a technique that is used to detect and correct errors in transmitted data without the need for retransmission. FEC involves adding redundant information to the transmitted data that can be used to correct errors in the received data.

Checksums: Checksums are used to detect errors in transmitted data. A checksum is a value that is calculated from the transmitted data and is sent along with the data. The receiver calculates a checksum from the received data and compares it to the checksum received with the data. If the two checksums do not match, an error is detected.

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC): CRC is a technique that is used to detect errors in transmitted data. CRC involves calculating a checksum from the transmitted data using a polynomial function. The receiver calculates a checksum from the received data using the same polynomial function and compares it to the checksum received with the data. If the two checksums do not match, an error is detected.



Hi! My name is TAUSIF AHMAD I have completed B.Tech in Computer Science from Maulana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad. I am always ready to have new experiences meet new people and learn new things. 1. I am very interested in Frontend Development. 2. I love video editing and graphics designing. 3. I enjoy challenges that enables to grow. 4. I am part time Blogger.

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