Compiler Design Lab Report

    Compiler Design Lab Record

Exp. 01

/*Lex program to recognize keywords, identifier, Digit or Constant, Operator, Special Symbol*/





int | float | char {printf("%s is a Keyword", yytext);} [0-9]+ {printf("%s is a Number", yytext);}

[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z|0-9]* {printf("%s is an Identifier", yytext);} [+ | - | * | /] {printf("%s is a Operator", yytext);} [@|#|$|&] {printf("%s is a Special Symbol", yytext);}

. | \n {ECHO;}


int main()


printf("Please enter the string..!"); yylex();


int yywrap()


return 1;



Exp. 02

/*Lex program to find and count Vowels and Consonants* 


#include<stdio.h> int Vow=0, Cons=0;



[ \t\n]+ ;

[aeiouAEIOU] {printf("It is a vowel\n"); Vow++;} [^aeiouAEIOU] {printf("It is a consonant\n"); Cons++;}


int main()


printf("Enter a string:\n"); yylex();

printf("Number of Vowel=%d and Number of Consonant=%d\n\n",Vow, Cons);


int yywrap()


return 1;



  Exp. 03


/*Lex program to find and count Upper Case and Lower Case*/


#include<stdio.h> int l=0;

int u=0;





[A-Z] {printf("Uppercase\n");u++;}


[a-z] {printf("Lowercase\n");l++;}



int main()


printf("Enter a string:\n"); yylex();

printf("Uppercase=%d and Lowercase=%d\n\n",u,l);


int yywrap()



return 1;



Exp. 04

/* Lex Program to recognize Small and Capital Words */





[A-Z]+[ \t\n] {printf("%s a capital word\n", yytext);} [a-z]+[ \t\n] {printf("%s a small word\n", yytext);}


int main()



printf("Enter a string:\n"); yylex();



int yywrap()




return 1;




Exp. 05


/* Lex Program to count number lines, spaces, words and character */






int lc=0, sc=0, wc=0, cc=0;






[\n] {lc++; cc+=yyleng;} [ \t] {sc++; cc+=yyleng;}

[^\t\n ]+ {wc++; cc+=yyleng;}






int main()




printf("Enter the input:\n"); yylex();

printf("No. of New Lines = %d\n", lc); printf("No. of Spaces = %d\n", sc); printf("No. of Words = %d\n", wc); printf("No. of Characters = %d\n", cc);



int yywrap()




return 1;




Exp. 06


/* Lex program to recognize simple and compound sentence */




#include<stdio.h> int flag=0;







(""[aA][nN][dD]"")|(""[oO][rR]"")|(""[bB][uU][tT]"") {flag=1;}




\n {return 0;}






int main()




printf("Enter the sentence:\n"); yylex();





printf("It is a simple sentence");








printf("It is a compound sentence");






int yywrap()




return 1;




Exp. 07

/* Lex Part: Binary to Decimal Conversion*/


/* Definition section */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include"" extern int yylval;



/* Rule Section */


0  {yylval=0;return ZERO;}

1  {yylval=1;return ONE;}


[ \t] {;}

\n return 0;

. return yytext[0];



int yywrap()


return 1;


/* YACC Part: Binary to Decimal Conversion */


/* Definition section */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void yyerror(char *s);


%token ZERO ONE


/* Rule Section */


N: L {printf("\n%d", $$);} L: L B {$$=$1*2+$2;}

| B {$$=$1;} B:ZERO {$$=$1;}

|ONE {$$=$1;};



//driver code int main()





yyerror(char *s)


fprintf(stdout, "\n%s", s);



Exp. 08


/* Lex Part: Conversion of Infix to Postfix expression



/* Definition section */


ALPHA [A-Z a-z] DIGIT [0-9]


/* Rule Section */


{ALPHA}({ALPHA}|{DIGIT})* return ID;

{DIGIT}+                    {yylval=atoi(yytext); return ID;}

[\n \t]                     yyterminate();

.                          return yytext[0];


/* YACC Part: Conversion of Infix to Postfix expression */


/* Definition section */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>



%token    ID

%left   '+' '-'

%left   '*' '/'

%left UMINUS


/* Rule Section */



S : E

E : E'+'{A1();}T{A2();}

| E'-'{A1();}T{A2();}

| T


T : T'*'{A1();}F{A2();}

| T'/'{A1();}F{A2();}

| F


F : '('E{A2();}')'

| '-'{A1();}F{A2();}

| ID{A3();}




/* YACC Part: Conversion of Infix to Postfix expression */

#include"lex.yy.c" char st[100];

int top=0;


//driver code int main()


printf("Enter infix expression: "); yyparse();

printf("\n"); return 0;

} A1()







printf("%c", st[--top]);




printf("%c", yytext[0]);




Exp. 09


/*Lex Part: Strings that starts and ends with 0 or 1



/* Definition section */ extern int yylval;



/* Rule Section */



0  {yylval = 0; return ZERO;}


1  {yylval = 1; return ONE;}


.|\n {yylval = 2; return 0;}



/* YACC Part: Strings that starts and ends with 0 or 1



/* Definition section */ #include<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>

void yyerror(const char *str)


printf("\nSequence Rejected\n");





%token ZERO ONE


/* Rule Section */



r : s {printf("\nSequence Accepted\n\n");}



s : n

| ZERO a

| ONE b



a : n a




b : n b




n : ZERO







//driver code int main()


printf("\nEnter Sequence of Zeros and Ones : "); yyparse();

printf("\n"); return 0;



Exp. 10


/* Lex Part: Recognize string with grammar { anbn | n≥0 } */


/* Definition section */ #include ""



/* Rule Section */


[aA] {return A;}

[bB] {return B;}

\n {return NL;}

. {return yytext[0];}



int yywrap()


return 1;


/* YACC Part: Recognize string with grammar { anbn | n≥0 } */


/* Definition section */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h>



%token A B NL


/* Rule Section */


stmt: S NL { printf("valid string\n"); exit(0); }


S: A S B |




int yyerror(char *msg)


printf("invalid string\n"); exit(0);



//driver code main()


printf("enter the string\n"); yyparse();



Exp. 11


/* Lex Part: Calculator */


/* Definition section */ #include<stdio.h> #include "" extern int yylval;



/* Rule Section */


[0-9]+ {

yylval=atoi(yytext); return NUMBER;



[\t] ;


[\n] return 0;


. return yytext[0];




int yywrap()


return 1;


/* YACC Part: Calculator */


/* Definition section */ #include<stdio.h>

int flag=0;



%token NUMBER


%left '+' '-'


%left '*' '/' '%'


%left '(' ')'


/* Rule Section */



ArithmeticExpression: E{ printf("\nResult=%d\n", $$); return 0;


E:E'+'E {$$=$1+$3;}


|E'-'E {$$=$1-$3;}


|E'*'E {$$=$1*$3;}


|E'/'E {$$=$1/$3;}


|E'%'E {$$=$1%$3;}


|'('E')' {$$=$2;}


| NUMBER {$$=$1;}






//driver code void main()


printf("\nEnter Any Arithmetic Expression which can have operations Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division,

Modulus and Round brackets:\n");


yyparse(); if(flag==0)

printf("\nEntered       arithmetic       expression       is Valid\n\n");





void yyerror()

























Exp. 12


/*Lex Part: To check whether given string is Palindrome or not */


/* Definition section */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include ""



/* %option noyywrap */


/* Rule Section */



[a-zA-Z]+ {yylval.f = yytext; return STR;} [-+()*/] {return yytext[0];}

[ \t\n]       {;}




int yywrap()


return -1;


/*YACC Part: To check whether given string is Palindrome or not */


/* Definition section */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> extern int yylex();


void yyerror(char *msg); int flag;


int i;

int k =0;



%union { char* f;



%token <f> STR

%type <f> E


/* Rule Section */



S :  {

flag = 0;

k = strlen($1) - 1; if(k%2==0){


for (i = 0; i <= k/2; i++) { if ($1[i] == $1[k-i]) {

} else { flag = 1;



if (flag == 1) printf("Not palindrome\n"); else printf("palindrome\n"); printf("%s\n", $1);




for (i = 0; i < k/2; i++) { if ($1[i] == $1[k-i]) {

} else {

flag = 1;



if (flag == 1) printf("Not palindrome\n"); else printf("palindrome\n"); printf("%s\n", $1);





E : STR {$$ = $1;}





void yyerror(char *msg)


fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); exit(1);


//driver code int main()


yyparse(); return 0;




Hi! My name is TAUSIF AHMAD I have completed B.Tech in Computer Science from Maulana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad. I am always ready to have new experiences meet new people and learn new things. 1. I am very interested in Frontend Development. 2. I love video editing and graphics designing. 3. I enjoy challenges that enables to grow. 4. I am part time Blogger.

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