Essay On Teacher's Day

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was an illustrious Indian scholar and teacher. In 1962, he became the second President of India. Some of his students showed keen interest in celebrating his birthday which was on 5th September and approached him with the same idea. Radhakrishnan then asked them to celebrate the day as Teachers’ Day instead of his birthday and that would make him feel honoured. Ever since, 5th September is dedicated to all the teachers across the country, and celebrated as Teachers’ Day. This day is celebrated to honour and acknowledge the contributions made by mentors, gurus, and teachers who play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of children.

Importance of Teachers’ Day

The significance of the day lies in the fact that educators and teachers are a treasure trove of knowledge, which they impart to the up-and-coming generation who, in turn, build a better world. Teachers help in building intelligent population that governs on facts, logics, and reasons, and is not swayed merely by emotions. This day is dedicated to teachers to show them how important they are, to express the love that learners have for them and to acknowledge teachers for their contribution.

Celebrating Teachers’ Day also helps children to understand the importance of education and the crucial role that an educator plays in cultivating effective learning. This way, the learners are able to appreciate, acknowledge and respect the mentors, guides and teachers in their life that advice, counsel and serve as effective tools of social metamorphosis.

The day reminds the learners or students to remain humble and express their love and gratitude towards the educators, teachers and gurus who showed them the path of success. The feeling of humility in learners ensures that they remain grounded and that they have someone who is watching them, guiding them, protecting them and who they can turn to during the hour of tide.

How Is Teachers’ Day Celebrated In India

This day is celebrated in India every year on the 5th September in every school and college, and is marked by paying homage to the great scholar, teacher and philosopher Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
Preparations for this day commence at least a fortnight in advance. Usually the celebration takes place in the school or college amphitheatre or auditorium.

Students conduct a small prayer service followed by lightning of the lamp by a teacher or principal. Special cultural programs, including dances and skits are performed by students from respective classes. Some schools also distribute awards to their teachers. Teachers are made to participate in various games and celebratory songs and hymns are sung by the children.

The student council delivers speech highlighting the contributions and efforts of a teacher and thank their teaching staff for their patient ears, encouraging pat and unconditional love.

In some schools, students of class 11th and 12th dress up like their teachers and take on the roles of teachers by conducting classes. And sometimes even the teachers sit down in classes as a student and get taught by their students.

All the social media platforms are flooded with greetings and tributes to teachers. Some students and learners offer hand-made cards and presents to their teachers while others present bouquets.

In some schools and colleges, the alumni arrange a get-together especially to meet and greet their teachers and to make them feel valued and appreciate their efforts. They give gifts to their teachers as a token of love, respect and gratitude.

Role of Teachers in Our Life

All those who have been a part of any learning or training process or have been through the education system are aware of the significance of teachers and gurus. Teachers are like lightning lamps that spread knowledge, awareness, and help channel the innate intelligence of students in something truly fulfilling and enriching.
Mentors and teachers not only play a crucial role in imparting knowledge, but they also help to inculcate compassion, empathy, and shape the perceptions of learners. They are the ones who help students develop intellectually and progress logically in life.


The hard-work and efforts that teachers put in building the future citizens of the nation should always be appreciated and applauded. And as they say, “It takes a big heart to shape little minds,’ celebrating Teachers’ Day is just a way of thanking and showing love to all those who have been a part of the student’s learning, development and have contributed in making them human.

Good morning to all the teachers and my dear friends.

The light of the world, the beacon in the dark and the hope that gives us strength to survive, is our teacher. Today we celebrate Teachers' Day. A day, kept aside to honour the gifted souls who work everyday  to make sure that the future is bright for all of us. Let us welcome all the teachers with a big round of applause.

On this beautiful occasion, let us take the opportunity to convey our wishes to all our teachers, who have given impeccable contribution in shaping us.

Every year 5th of September, we celebrate Teachers Day. It is a day filled with lots of excitement, joy and happiness as students are eagerly looking forward to tell their teachers how and why are they special to them. It is my honour to to talk about our dear teachers on this wonderful occasion.

We celebrate Teachers' day on 5th of September every year in India. September 5th is marked by the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and the Teachers' day is celebrated in commemoration of his birthday. Along with being a successful leader in the form of the President of the Country, Dr. Sarvepalli  Radhakrishnan was great scholar and an excellent teacher.

Students across the country celebrate this day to pay respect and thank their teachers. Teachers are the back bone of our society. They spear head change by shaping and building students' personality and make them ideal citizens of the country.

As one looks at the great impact on the growth, development and well being of the students and nation, one must agree that teaching is a noble profession.

There is a saying that teachers are greater than the parents. Parents give birth to a child whereas teachers mould that child's personality and provide a bright future. Apart from academics, teachers stand by us at every step to guide, motivate and inspire to become better people.

They are the source of knowledge and wisdom. From them leads the ideas and thougts , that one day each one of use will use to provide back into this society. I would like to extend my gratitude to every teacher for selffless service and dynamic support. We are always grateful to you.

Thank you everyone.



Hi! My name is TAUSIF AHMAD I have completed B.Tech in Computer Science from Maulana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad. I am always ready to have new experiences meet new people and learn new things. 1. I am very interested in Frontend Development. 2. I love video editing and graphics designing. 3. I enjoy challenges that enables to grow. 4. I am part time Blogger.


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