Kc Shinha Mathematics class 11/ Exercise 17.1 solution - Brothers Study Zone

                       Sequences and Series : A.P.

Sequence:- The group of numbers based on a pattern.

Eg:- 1,5,9,13................

Eg:- 1,2,4,8,16.............

       Types of Sequence :-
1. Finite:- The sequence having limited number of terms.eg:- 1,3,5............99

Terms of sequence an /Tn-nth term of sequence

2. Infinite:- The sequence having unlimited number of terms eg:- 1,2,3,4,.........

Series:- Let t1, t2, t3,t4,...............tn  are n terms of sequence then t1+t2+t3+..........+ tn is called series. eg:- 1,2,4,8...........sequence

eg:- 1+2+4+8+.............series


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