What is a purpose of a Memorandum(Memo) | Brothers Study Zone



Memorandum:-Memorandum is also known as (memo).The meaning of the words memorandum is ‘ A note to ashes the memory’. A memo is used for internal communication between senior and subordinates or between the officer of the same level. It is never sent outside the orzanisation.


(i)                To issue instruction.

(ii)             To seek explanation.

(iii)           To communicate policy changes.

(iv)           To gives or seek suggestion.

(v)             To remind someone action required.

(vi)           To request help or information.

(vii)        To confirm a decision earlier arrived to give message.

(viii)      To inform about granting or with holding permission to do something.



The memorandum format is different from that of a letter. So memo moves from one employed to another, it is essential to write the name of the person sending the memo and the name of the receiver with designation or department of both the persons .It must also have reference number.

The words ‘From’ and ‘to’ are used in memo. There is no salutation and the writer signature is put without writing the complimentary clause. The memo is properly dated, is written in a direct style and is as brief as possible.

If more than one point are  discussed  within a memo it is usual to put them in separate paragraph and to number the paragraph. This practices insured that the address to response, to all the points made in a memo.


(i)                Mention the subject, Date, Name of the sender and receiver.

(ii)             No salutation is required.

(iii)           Discussed one subject and mention the subject clearly.

(iv)           Divide the body into paragraphs.

(v)             Used number points and subheadings if it is required.

(vi)           Use simple and clear language.

(vii)        Use the appropriate tone. The three factors to be kept in mind while considering the tone are understood.

(viii)      Who is going to read the message.

(ix)           The subject matter of the memo must be cleared.

(x)              There is no need to write complimentary clause.



(i)                It can be used for future Reference.

(ii)             It is simple and to easy to understand.

(iii)           They help to establish accountability whenever something goes wrong some orzanisation therefore insist that all decision and instruction should be conveyed through memorandums.

(iv)           In an organization they insured quick and smooth flow of information.



To: ……………………

From: …………………

Date: …………………

Subject: ………………


Body of the memo














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